1. Nutrition Education Learning Experiences for Children

The main goal of nutrition education is to help young children learn to make healthy choices among foods and beverages. This lays the groundwork for a lifetime of healthful eating. To make a difference, early childhood providers should:

  • Offer nutrition education that is appropriate for children’s ages.
  • Offer learning experiences that reflect children’s cultures.
  • Include nutrition education learning experiences in math and reading lessons, as well as dramatic play.
  • Create opportunities for children to practice new skills and have fun.
  • Choose nutrition education learning materials that are easy and enjoyable to teach.Create connections at home by talking to families about the nutrition education their child is receiving.

Nutrition education can also be incorporated through a school garden. Planting, growing, preparing and eating garden fresh food teaches children where food comes from and provides opportunities for sensory learning experiences and the development of physical motor skills.